Dream Meaning of Basement

Seeing a basement in a dream is a sign of the fact that the owner of the dream has a bad fortune, the path of the achievements are blocked, and the vicinity of this person is surrounded by bad people. If this person goes on the right path of morality, the good things will find him and many doors will be open for his social and business life. This dream is sometimes interpreted in the opposite way and seen as a sign of healing.

Seeing A Basement Floor In Your Dream

Seeing the basement in the dream is explained as the spiritual depression, to the misery, frustrations, fears and troubles of the dreamer. He has experienced these and he feels very bad.

Getting Down To A Basement In Your Dream

Going down to the basement or being in a basement in a dream means spiritually falling to the bottom. Life without good events, encountering with bad people, bad emotions and bad life experiences will be on this person’s path. It means that the person who sees the dream will have very hard days.

Entering Into A Basement In Your Dream

Entering into a basement in your dream is interpreted to live unpleasant events, to get bad news, to fall into unexplainable situations and being unable to decide. Dream owner is going to live in events that will make it impossible for him to fulfil his life wishes.

Seeing A Dark basement In A Dream

Seeing a dark basement in a dream means mishaps will be in your life, to the failure of your plans, and to the fact that you will begin to move in the opposite direction of what you have expected from your life. It means that negative events will happen and that the person will be depressed.

Seeing A Ground Floor In Your Dream

Seeing the ground floor in a dream indicates that the person who sees the dream will feel very desperate in the face of an unpleasant situation to live in, that he will have to deal with this situation for a long time and that there will be none around to help him.

Seeing Yourself Living On A Ground Floor In Your Dream

Living on the ground floor in a dream indicates that the dreamer is highly valued and appreciated by people around him. He is also modest, good-hearted, and communicative.

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