Dream Meaning of Brother

Seeing brother in a dream, no matter he is dreamer’s brother or not, symbolizes abundance and plentifulness.

To see that brother ic cleaning up in a dream symbolizes new clothes, financial power, different environment.

 Someone eating with your brother in a dream indicates that he doesn’t content with what he has and he is in search of new activities. And at the end of these activities he gets financial power that makes him satisfied.

To see that your brother is laughing in a dream indicates that you have something that make everybody jealous recently.

To see that your brother died in a dream indicates that dreamer will join a dinner in a luxuty place.

To see that your brother married in a dream indicates that your income and salary will increase .

To see that your brother is consuming alcohol and cigarette in a dream indicates that you will put away your around deceiving your financial power.

To see that you brother is crying in a dream indicates that your healt will fail because of a work you did to earn Money, and you will be sorry.

Sleeping with brother in a dream marries in a short time, he meets with person you will marry, this meeting means that your marriage will lead a happy marriage.

To see that your brother is a famous person in a dream indicates that you will take up business but you earning will not satisfy you.

Someone who sees that his brother had an accident ,injured, in a dream indicates that he gets another gain apart from he already had.

To see that your brother gets angry in a dream indicates that wasting in your house is too much and you should your expenses carefully.

To see that your brother divorced from his wife in a dream symbolizes lump sum or Money that will get out of your hand because of wastage.

To see that your brother is praying in a dream indicates that your wishes will come true and then you will do charity.

To see that your brother is sleeping in a dream indicates that you will engage in trade and you will earn Money more than you expected.

To see that your brother has children in a dream symbolizes as jewellery and this jewellery is interpreted as heritage from  a close relative.

Someone kissing his brother’s hand in a dream indicates that he will receive help from his mother and father about a matter he can not solve.

To see that you set out a journey with your brother in a dream indicates that  news or Money you are waiting will be late .

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